Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Can strike 4D if it keeps on happening...........

My dad asked me to teach one of his students, who was learning driving by the hour. This middle aged lady is actually a probationary driver's licence holder, but I think lack of confidence and guts, put her back into MY car. So, i drove to her house somewhere Jalan Astana, and instructed her to drive to town area. OK, that was fine.

When we reached town, taking the road that leads one to the General Hospital, there was this JPJ (Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan) road-block. So, as expected, we were flagged down to pull over. The officer who approached me, is, well, of course, already too familiar with my company (WJ-WEGO Driving Institute). He asked me where am I going and I told him that I'm conducting some sort of a refresher course here. So, we talked abit, exchanged some ideas and then let us go on with our journey.

You know, one of the best thing teaching at an hourly rate, is, when there's a slow moving traffic, money is actually quite easily earned. The JPJ officer wasted about 15 minutes of the poor lady's time and money, and, of course its a benefit for me (chuckles devilishly). So, we drove back all the way back to her place, and, I was impressed that it took us exactly one hour, no adds no less.

And then, later in the evening, my dad asked me to send one of his learner drivers home. Left office about 4 nish and took the Pending road that leads me to Simpang Tiga. From far, I was wondering, why the fuck is the traffic so massively jammed today. As I drove closer, only to find out that there was another road block, also by JPJ (seems like they have lots of free time these days). So I thought I would have savely get on with my journey, mana tauk, this officer flagged me down AGAIN, imagine, getting flagged down by JPJ and getting pulled over TWO fucking times in one day.

I was wondering why did he flagged me down, only to realise that I have this JPJ sticker on my windshield and the officer thought I stole somebody else's car. The conversation goes like this :

Officer : Kereta kamu kah ?

Me : Ya la, lu ingat saya curi kah ?

Officer: Tidak, bukam maciam itu, saya tengok lu punya kelet ata itu JPJ punya sticker ma, itu sebab saya sitop lu loh.

In my heart, i was thinking that if anybody would be suspected of car theft, is more likely to be you than me. Obviously somebody looks like a plain malay guy, that has a silly looking goatee. And I was getting annoyed by him, making fun of the chinese slanking Malay. So the following conversation goes like this :

Me : Orang merik aku pun, aku lekatlah kat cermin kereta aku. Mun buang, kak orang madah membazir

Its always fun to see my ability to speak fluent local malay baffles or surprises others, Malays especially.

Officer : Aih! Pandei na kitak klakar melayu oh, nangga IC lok.

Me : Lewat juak! Salahkah mun orang cina pandei klakar Melayu, kita kan idup dalam masyarakat berbilang kaum. majmuk katakan tek (handing over my licence to him instead)

At this point, I think he must have found me interesting that he gave back my licence and asked for my number and told me that in case if anybody he knows wanna get a licence, he'll look me up. I was like cool. Once again, I got away with it.

Gosh man! If this is a lottery winning streak, I think I can be richer than Datuk Ang Lai Soon Or the Kimgress Group loh. But I thanked God that I got away with it and this shows one thing, there's no harm playing dumb or funny with the authorities. They might think u're amusingly cute, that they will soften on you and eventually let u go. That's what I've gathered la, but not too sure about the rest.

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